Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I Got The Funk

I've been struggling with what to write today.  I was going to talk about how super cold it is- 16 degrees when I left my house this morning.  Mainly because I'm too cranky to write about anything awesome. 

I haven't felt very Christmasy this year.  We put our tree up late.  Little J has been fighting some kind of cold/junky cough/crud since Thanksgiving.  Jax and I had not been able to catch a moment to sit down and figure out where we are going and when and what we are doing for Christmas (past tense because we actually made some time last night while cooking dinner).  My Christmas dishes are still put up in the pantry.  I haven't been shopping.

I guess in a way it is the usual Christmas hustle and bustle, but it has left me in quite a funk.  To say the least.

Then I read Blair's post today.  Y'all, it almost made me cry.  I highly suggest you read it if you have been in a funk like I am.  It was one hell of a wake up call.

I have warm clothes and a cozy house to come home to. 
I have an amazing family to share the holidays with. 
I have the money to pay my bills and put food on the table
and still buy nice gifts for the people I love.

I wish I could say that I would be so generous and thoughtful as she was.  More than likely, I would not.  Not because I wouldn't want to, but just because it would be too easy to ignore.  To be scared.  To come up with some excuse as to why it was probably a bad idea.  And it makes me sad.

But as much as it saddens me that my reaction would probably be the norm, it gives me hope.  With all of the drivers with road rage, angry shoppers, thiefs, and other bad things that come along with the holidays, there are people out there who still do good for others.  These people get it.

It isn't about trees or snow or sparkly lights.  It is about giving- and not necessarily Christmas presents.  It is about remembering why we celebrate this holiday.  It is inspiring.

Starting right now, I'm going to do my best to put all of my petty crap aside and enjoy this time.  I'm going to get out of my Christmas funk and get into the Christmas spirit*.  I'm going to enjoy it, and maybe do something nice for someone else.

*I totally feel like now would be the perfect time to break out the pom poms.   I mean, I did say SPIRIT!  But I'll spare you.


  1. I think it's safe to say we've all been in a funk during the holidays at one point in our lives. I do think it's inspiring to remember why we celebrate this time of year and what it's all about. After all it is CHRISTmas!

    ((Big hugs)) I'll break out the pom pom's and start cheering with you!

  2. Instead of offering you some sound and useful advice on getting into the holiday spirit, I choose to commiserate with you. I am that good of a friend. No cheering up or pep talks here.

    I, personally, am not a fan of Christmas…it’s nothing personal. Christmas never did anything to me. It is just in the unfortunate position to be associated with something not fun. I plan to spend the holiday drinking heavily.

    I tell you this (the drinking part) because I know how to appeal to your heart and brain. A visit to the Lou would do wonders for your ol’ bah-humbug soul…mostly because I am here…and, if you come soon, I can almost guarantee snow!

  3. You are awesome. & have a sweet heart. & I know you would do the same that I did. I know you would.
