Friday, November 26, 2010

I Am Thankful

Which is pretty much why I didn't post anything yesterday.  I was too busy getting my thankfulness on.  Actually, I was shuffling around my house trying not to be sick, then going to the In Law's, then traveling to see my parents. 

It was SO much fun watching the Macy's parade with Little J.  Okay, he didn't really watch much of it, but I will always have the memory of sitting on the ottoman holding him while Santa Claus rode in to town on his big sleigh.  Little J's first Thanksgiving/Christmas... sigh.

As I sit with my family, happily typing away on my Daddy's laptop, I would like to say that I am also thankful to you for reading my blog and leaving me such nice comments.  It makes me feel good.  I enjoy writing, even if there are only a few people to share it with.

So, thank you.  I truly hope that you all enjoy a wonderful holiday with your loved ones.  And that you are lucky enough to have someone who cooks as good as my Mama does. 


  1. I am thankful for both you and your blog. I am also thankful for Duke, even though we haven't known each other long.

    Did Mama P' make that yummy bbq chicken dip-thingie, by chance?? Mmmm.... So good! I ate it over Kuduz cookies, if you can believe that!!

  2. If you will move back home, I will make you some bbq chicken salad at least once a month. Promise.

  3. I watched the Parade too! And was thinking how I can't wait to watch it with little Carson next year. So glad little J's first thanksgiving was a success :)

  4. Thanks Jenny! You have a lot to look forward to :)
